R981.45R11,133.10 Incl VAT

CAS Number:7722-84-1


  • Dihydrogen Dioxide 100 Volumes
  • Hydrogen Dioxide 100 Volumes
  • Perhydrol 100 Volumes
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HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% – Product Identifier  

Product Name Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® Other means of identification  

CAS-No 7722-84-1 

Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use  

Recommended Use: 

Restrictions on Use: Manufacturer/Supplier  

Potable water treatment: Certified to conform to the requirements of the “NSF / ANSI Standard 60 – Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects” by NSF International 

Use as recommended by the label. 






OSHA Regulatory Status 

This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). 

Acute toxicity – Oral  Category 4
Acute toxicity – Inhalation (Vapors)  Category 4
Skin corrosion/irritation  Category 1 Sub-category B
Serious eye damage/eye irritation  Category 1
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)  Category 3


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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 

Oxidizing Liquids  Category 2


GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements  



Hazard Statements 

H314 – Causes severe skin burns and eye damage 

H302 – Harmful if swallowed 

H332 – Harmful if inhaled 

H335 – May cause respiratory irritation 

H272 – May intensify fire; oxidizer


Precautionary Statements – Prevention 

P271 – Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area 

P260 – Do not breathe mist, vapours or spray. 

P280 – Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection P210 – Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking 

P220 – Keep/Store away from clothing/flammable materials/combustibles 

P221 – Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles/flammables 

Precautionary Statements – Response 

P305 + P351 + P338 – IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy todo. Continue rinsing 

P310 – Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor 

P303 + P361 + P353 – IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/ shower P363 – Wash contaminated clothing before reuse 

P304 + P340 – IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing P312 – Call a POISON CENTER or doctor if you feel unwell 

P301 + P330 + P331 – IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting P310 – Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor 

P370 + P378 – In case of fire: Use water for extinction 

Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)  

No hazards not otherwise classified were identified. 

Other Information  

Keep container in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Store only in vented containers. Do not store on wooden pallets. Do not returnunused material to its original container. Avoid contamination – Contamination could cause decomposition and generation of oxygen which may result in high pressure and possible container rupture. Empty drums should be triple rinsed with water beforediscarding. 

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Formula HO – OH 

Chemical name CAS-No Weight %
Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 50
Water  7732-18-5 50




Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in section 8 


Eye Contact Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. Seek

immediate medical attention/advice. 

Skin Contact Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. 

Inhalation Move to fresh air. If person is not breathing, contact emergency medical services, then giveartificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a poison control center or

doctor for further treatment advice. 


Ingestion Rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, give 2 glasses of water. Get immediatemedical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 

Hydrogen Peroxide irritates respiratory system and, if inhaled, may cause inflammation and

Most important symptoms and 

pulmonary edema. The effects may not be immediate. Overexposure symptoms are

effects, both acute and delayed 

coughing, giddiness and sore throat. In case of accidental ingestion, necrosis may result 

from mucous membrane burns (mouth, esophagus and stomach). Oxygen rapid release

may cause stomach swelling and hemorrhaging, which may product major, or even fatal, 

injury to organs if a large amount has been ingested. 

In case of skin contact, may cause burns, erythema, blisters or even necrosis. 

Hydrogen peroxide at these concentrations is a strong oxidant. Direct contact with the eye

Indication of immediate medical 

is likely to cause corneal damage especially if not washed immediately. Careful 

attention and special treatment 

opthalmologic evaluation is recommended and the possibility of local corticosteroid therapy

needed, if necessary 

should be considered. Because of the likelihood of corrosive effects on the gastrointestinal 

tract after ingestion, and the unlikelihood of systemic effects, attemps at evacuating the

stomach via emesis induction or gastric lavage should be avoided. There is a remote

possibility, however, that a nasogastric or orogastric tube may be required for the reduction


of severe distension due to gas formation. 


Suitable Extinguishing Media Water. Do not use any other substance. 

In closed unventilated containers, risk of rupture due to the increased pressure from

Specific Hazards Arising from the 


decomposition. Contact with combustible material may cause fire 

Hazardous Combustion Products On decomposition product releases oxygen which may intensify fire. 

Explosion data  

Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact Not sensitive. 

Sensitivity to Static Discharge Not sensitive. 

Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and protect personnel. Move containers from

Protective equipment and 

fire area if you can do it without risk. As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus

precautions for firefighters 

and full protective gear. 


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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 


Personal Precautions Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear personal protective equipment. Isolate andpost spill area. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Eliminate all sources of 

ignition and remove combustible materials. 

Other Combustible materials exposed to hydrogen peroxide should be immediately submerged inor rinsed with large amounts of water to ensure that all hydrogen peroxide is removed. 

Residual hydrogen peroxide that is allowed to dry (upon evaporation hydrogen peroxide can

concentrate) on organic materials such as paper, fabrics, cotton, leather, wood or other

combustibles can cause the material to ignite and result in fire. 

Environmental Precautions See Section 12 for additional Ecological Information. 

Methods for Containment Dike to collect large liquid spills. Stop leak and contain spill if this can be done safely. Small spillage: Dilute with large quantities of water. 

Methods for cleaning up Flush area with flooding quantities of water. Hydrogen peroxide may be decomposed byadding sodium metabisulfite or sodium sulfite after diluting to about 5%. 


Handling Use only in well-ventilated areas. Keep/Store away from clothing/ combustible materials. Wear personal protective equipment. Never return unused hydrogen peroxide to original 


container. Contamination may cause decomposition and generation of oxygen gas which

could result in high pressures and possible container rupture. Empty drums should be triple

rinsed with water before discarding. Utensils used for handling hydrogen peroxide should

only be made of glass, stainless steel, aluminum or plastic. Pipes and equipment should be

passivated before first use. Hydrogen peroxide should be stored only in vented containers

and transferred only in a prescribed manner. 

Storage Keep containers in cool areas out of direct sunlight and away from combustibles. Providemechanical general and/or local exhaust ventilation to prevent release of vapor or mist into

work environment. Containers must be vented. Keep/store only in original container. Store

rooms or warehouses should be made of non-combustible materials with impermeable

floors. In case of release, spillage should flow to safe area. Containers should be visually

inspected on a regular basis to detect any abnormalities (swollen drums, increases in

temperature, etc.). 

Incompatible products Combustible materials. Copper alloys, galvanized iron. Strong reducing agents. Heavymetals. Iron. Copper alloys. Contact with metals, metallic ions, alkalis, reducing agents and

organic matter (such as alcohols or terpenes) may produce self-accelerated thermal 



Control parameters  

Exposure Guidelines Ingredients with workplace control parameters. 

Chemical name ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL NIOSH Mexico
Hydrogen peroxide


TWA: 1 ppm


TWA: 1 ppm

TWA: 1.4 mg/m3

IDLH: 75 ppm

TWA: 1 ppm

TWA: 1.4 mg/m3

Mexico: TWA 1 ppmMexico: TWA 1.5 mg/m3Mexico: STEL 2 ppm 

Mexico: STEL 3 mg/m3

Chemical name British Columbia Quebec Ontario TWAEV Alberta
Hydrogen peroxide


TWA: 1 ppm


TWA: 1 ppm

TWA: 1.4 mg/m3

TWA: 1 ppm


TWA: 1 ppm

TWA: 1.4 mg/m3




Appropriate engineering controls 

Engineering measures Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location. Ensure adequate ventilation. 

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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 

Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment 

Eye/Face Protection Use chemical splash-type monogoggles and a full-face shield made of polycarbonate, acetate, polycarbonate/acetate, PETG or thermoplastic. 

Skin and Body Protection For body protection wear impervious clothing such as an approved splash protective suit made of SBR rubber, PVC (PVC Outershell w/Polyester Substrate), Gore-Tex (Polyester

trilaminate w/Gore-Tex), or a specialized HAZMAT Splash or Protective Suite (Level A, B,

or C). For foot protection, wear approved boots made of NBR, PVC, Polyurethane, or 

neoprene. Overboots made of Latex or PVC, as well as firefighter boots or specialized

HAZMAT boots are also permitted. DO NOT wear any form of boot or overboot made of 

nylon or nylon blends. DO NOT USE cotton, wool or leather as these materials react rapidly

with higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Completely submerge hydrogen peroxide

contaminated clothing or other materials in water prior to drying. Residual hydrogen


peroxide, if allowed to dry on materials such as paper, fabrics, cotton, leather, wood or 

other combustibles, can cause the material to ignite and result in a fire. 

Hand Protection For hand protection, wear approved gloves made of nitrile, PVC, or neoprene. DO NOTuse cotton, wool or leather for these materials react RAPIDLY with higher concentrations of

hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly rinse the outside of gloves with water prior to removal. 

Inspect regularly for leaks. 

Respiratory Protection If concentrations in excess of 10 ppm are expected, use NIOSH/DHHS approvedself-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or other approved air-supplied respirator (ASR)

equipment (e.g., a full-face airline respirator (ALR)). DO NOT use any form of air-purifying

respirator (APR) or filtering facepiece (dust mask), especially those containing oxidizable

sorbants such as activated carbon. 

Hygiene measures Avoid breathing vapors, mist or gas. Clean water should be available for washing in case ofeye or skin contamination. . 

Evaporation Rate > 1 (n-butyl acetate=1) 

General information Protective engineering solutions should be implemented and in use before personal protective equipment is considered. 


Information on basic physical and chemical properties 

Appearance Clear, colorless liquid 

Physical State Liquid 

Color Colorless 

Odor odorless 

Odor threshold Not applicable 

pH <= 3.0 

Melting point/freezing point -52 °C 

Boiling Point/Range 114 °C 

Flash point Not flammable 

Flammability (solid, gas) Not flammable 

Flammability Limit in Air Not applicable 

Upper flammability limit: 

Lower flammability limit: 

Vapor pressure 18 mm Hg @ 30 °C 

Vapor density No information available 

Density 1.2 @ 20 °C 

Specific gravity 1.2 

Water solubility completely soluble 

Solubility in other solvents No information available 

Partition coefficient log Kow = -1.5 @ 20 °C 

Autoignition temperature Not combustible 

Decomposition temperature 100 °C (adiabatic) 

Viscosity, kinematic 1.17 cP @ 20 °C 

Viscosity, dynamic No information available 

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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 

Explosive properties No information available 

Oxidizing properties Strong oxidizer 

Molecular weight 34 

Bulk density Not applicable 



Reactivity Reactive and oxidizing agent. 

Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions. Decomposes on heating. Stable under recommendedstorage conditions. 

Possibility of Hazardous Reactions Contact with organic substances may cause fire or explosion. Contact with metals, metallicions, alkalis, reducing agents and organic matter (such as alcohols or terpenes) may

produce self-accelerated thermal decomposition. 

Hazardous polymerization Hazardous polymerization does not occur. 

Conditions to avoid Excessive heat; Contamination; Exposure to UV-rays; pH variations. 

Incompatible materials Combustible materials. Copper alloys, galvanized iron. Strong reducing agents. Heavymetals. Iron. Copper alloys. Contact with metals, metallic ions, alkalis, reducing agents and

organic matter (such as alcohols or terpenes) may produce self-accelerated thermal 


Hazardous Decomposition Products Oxygen which supports combustion. Liable to produce overpressure in container. 



Product Information  

LD50 Oral 50% solution: LD50 > 225 mg/kg bw (rat) 

35 % solution:LD50 1193 mg/kg bw (rat) 

 70 % solution: LD50 1026 mg/kg bw (rat) 

LD50 Dermal 35% solution: LD50 > 2000 mg/kg bw (rabbit) 

70 % solution: LD50 9200 mg/kg bw (rabbit) 

LC50 Inhalation 50% solution: LC50 > 170 mg/m3 (rat) (4-hr) 

Hydrogen Peroxide vapors: LC0 9400 mg/m³ (mouse) (5 – 15 minutes) 

Hydrogen Peroxide vapors: LC50 > 2160 mg/m³ (mouse) 

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Corrosive. Risk of serious damage to eyes. 

Skin corrosion/irritation Corrosive to skin. Causes severe burns. 

Sensitization Did not cause sensitization on laboratory animals. 

Information on toxicological effects  

Symptoms Vapors, mists, or aerosols of hydrogen peroxide can cause upper airway irritation, inflammation of the nose, hoarseness, shortness of breath, and a sensation of burning or

tightness in the chest. Prolonged exposure to concentrated vapor or to dilute solutions can

cause irritation and temporary bleaching of skin and hair. Exposure to vapor, mist, or 

aerosol can cause stinging pain and tearing of eyes. 

Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposure  

Carcinogenicity This product contains hydrogen peroxide. The International Agency for Research onCancer (IARC) has conculded that there is inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity of 

hydrogen peroxide in humans, but limited evidence in experimental animals (Group 3 – not

classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans). The American Conference of 

Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has concluded that hydrogen peroxide is a

‘Confirmed Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans’ (A3). 

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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 

Hydrogen peroxide






Mutagenicity This product is not recognized as mutagenic by Research Agencies In vivo tests did not show mutagenic effects 

Reproductive toxicity This product is not recognized as reprotox by Research Agencies. No toxicity toreproduction in animal studies. 

STOT – single exposure May cause respiratory irritation. 

STOT – repeated exposure Not classified. 

Target organ effects Eyes, Respiratory System, Skin. 

Aspiration hazard Aspiration risk: may cause lung damage if swallowed. 



Ecotoxicity effects Hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced by sunlight (between 0.1 and 4 ppb in air and0.001 to 0.1 mg/L in water). Not expected to have significant environmental effects. 

Hydrogen peroxide (7722-84-1)
Active Ingredient(s) Duration Species Value Units
Hydrogen peroxide 96 h LC50 Fish Pimephales




Hydrogen peroxide 72 h LC50 Fish Leuciscus idus 35 mg/L
Hydrogen peroxide 48 h EC50 Daphnia pulex 2.4 mg/L
Hydrogen peroxide 24 h EC50 Daphnia magna 7.7 mg/L
Hydrogen peroxide 72 h EC50 Algae Skeletonema




Hydrogen peroxide 21 d NOEC Daphnia magna 0.63 mg/L










Persistence and degradability Hydrogen peroxide in the aquatic environment is subject to various reduction or oxidationprocesses and decomposes into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide half-life in

freshwater ranged from 8 hours to 20 days, in air from 10 – 20 hours, and in soils from

minutes to hours depending upon microbiological activity and metal contamination. 

Bioaccumulation Material may have some potential to bioaccumulate but will likely degrade in most environments before accumulation can occur. 

Mobility Will likely be mobile in the environment due to its water solubility but will likely degrade overtime. 

Other Adverse Effects Decomposes into oxygen and water. No adverse effects.


Waste disposal methods Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Can be disposed as waste water, when incompliance with local regulations. 

US EPA Waste Number D001 D003 

Contaminated Packaging Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. 

Drums – Empty as thoroughly as possible. Triple rinse drums before disposal. Avoid

contamination; impurities accelerate decomposition. Never return product to original 


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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure®14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION



UN/ID no UN 2014 

Proper Shipping Name HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION Hazard class 5.1 

Subsidiary class

Packing Group II 


UN/ID no UN 2014 

Proper Shipping Name HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION Hazard class 5.1 

Subsidiary class


Packing Group II 

ICAO/IATA Hydrogen peroxide (>40%) is forbidden on Passenger and Cargo Aircraft. Air regulationpermit shipment of Hydrogen Peroxide (<=40%) in non-vented containers for Air Cargo

Only aircraft, as well as for Passenger and Cargo aircraft. HOWEVER, all Hydrogen

Peroxide containers are vented and therefore, air shipments of H2O2 are not permitted. 

IATA air regulations state that venting of packages containing oxidizing substances is not 

permitted for air transport. 


UN/ID no UN 2014 

Proper Shipping Name HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION Hazard class 5.1 

Subsidiary Hazard Class

Packing Group II 

OTHER INFORMATION Protect from physical damage. Keep drums in upright position. Drums should not bestacked in transit. Do not store drums on wooden pallets. 


U.S. Federal Regulations  

SARA 313 

Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain anychemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372

SARA 311/312 Hazard Categories  

Acute health hazard Yes 

Chronic health hazard No 

Fire hazard Yes 

Sudden release of pressure hazard No 

Reactive Hazard No 

Clean Water Act 

This product does not contain any substances regulated as pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 and 40CFR 122.42) 


Chemical name Hazardous Substances RQs Extremely Hazardous

Substances RQs



Hydrogen peroxide


1000 lb


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Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Oxypure® 

Hydrogen Peroxide RQ is for concentrations of > 52% only 

International Inventories  

Component TSCA




























Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 ( 50 ) X X X X X X X XX




Mexico – Grade Serious risk, Grade 3 


WHMIS Hazard Class C – Oxidizing materials 

D1B – Toxic materials 

E – Corrosive material 

F – Dangerously reactive material 


NFPA Health Hazards 3 Flammability 0 Stability 1 Special Hazards OX
HMIS Health Hazards 3 Flammability 0 Physical hazard 1 Personal Protection H


Severe = 4; Serious = 3; Moderate = 2; Slight = 1; Minimal = 0 

NFPA/HMIS Ratings Legend 

Special Hazards: OX = Oxidizer 

Protection = H (Safety goggles, gloves, apron, the use of supplied air or SCBA respirator is 

required in lieu of a vapor cartidge respirator) 


30kg, 250kg, 1200kg

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