Iron Oxide Yellow 200

R1,325.01 Incl VAT

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SKU: BULK-I12 Category:
Iron Oxide Yellow 200

1. Identification of substance and of the company 

Trade Name: Iron Oxide Yellow

2. Composition/Data on components 

Chemical characterization: 

Synthetic iron oxide Fe2O3.H2O (α-FeooH), C. I. Pigment Yellow 42 

CAS No:20344-49-4 

Einecs No: 243-746-4 

Dangerous : none

3. Hazards identification 

No hazardous effects known. 

The product is not a substance subject to mandatory marking in accordance with the EEC Directive 67/584/EEC Or amendments.

4. Iron Oxide Yellow 200 – First Aid measures 

After inhalating: Supply fresh air 

After eye contact: Flush with plenty of pressure water for 15 mins., occasionally raising eye lids. After skin contact: Wash skin with mild soap and water

5. Fire fighting measures 

Suitable extinguishing media: no restriction 

Special hazards caused by the material, its combustion products or resultant gases: none Special personal protection equipment: none

6. Accidental release 

Environmental protection conduct: Do not sweep or wash into public stretches of water, sewers or sites of unknown discharge paths. 

After spillage/leakage/gas leakage: 

Clean up immediately with wetting or absorbent material avoiding dusting

7. Iron Oxide Yellow 200 – Handling and storage 


Usual precautions for nuisance dust should be observed. 

Protection against fire and explosion: The product is non-flammable 

Storage: Store in roofed places at room temperature. Keep containers tightly sealed. 

Flammability Class: not applicable

8. Exposure controls/personal protection 

Additional notes for design of plant equipment: 

No further details, see sec. 7 

Components with workplace-related limits to be monitored: 

Designation % Type of data Unit  Nuisance dust 100 MAK 6 mg/m3   TLV/TWA(USA) 10 mg/m3  

Personal protection equipment:  

Respiratory protection: 

An appropriate dust filter has to be used if a breathable dust is liberated. 


Material Safety Data Sheet 

9. Physical and chemical properties 

form: powder  

colour: yellow  

odour: odourless  

 Value/Area Unit Method 

Change in physical state  

Thermal Decomposition: n.a. 0C Lit.  Flash point: not flammable  

Flammable properties: The product is not flammable under standardized conditions.  

Explosion risks: The product is not explosive  

Vapour pressure: n.a. mbar  

Density: (200C) 4.1 g/cm3 DIN/ISO 787 part 10  Solubility in water: (200C) <0.3 % DIN/ISO 787 part 3  pH-Value: (at 100 g/l H2O) (200C) ca.3-7 DIN/ISO 787 part 9 

10. Stability and reactivity 

Hazardous decomposition products 

No decomposition at proper storage and application conditions

11. Toxicological Information 

Because of experiences with the product mentioned, there are no recognizable hazards for human beings, If it is correctly used and applied.

12. Ecological information 

Avoid infiltration into waster drainings or soil.

13. Disposal considerations 


Dispose in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. 

Waste Code No.: 

Check re-use as alternative. 

Contaminated packages and containers: 

Emptied, but contaminated packages and containers may be recycled. 

Waste Code No.: 18715 (Germany)

14. Transport information 


Land transport: ADR/RID/GGVS/GGVE: Not Regulated  

Sea transport: IMDG/GGV See UN-No.: Not Regulated  

Air transport: ICAO/IATA UN/ID-No.: Not Regulated  

U.S. D.O.T.CLASSIFICATION: Not Regulated  

CANADA Transport of dangerous goods: Not Regulated  

DOT Shipping Name:None  

Technical Shipping Name:Inorganic Oxide  

DOT Hazardous Classification: Non-Regulated. This product is not classed as a dangerous substance under the Classification,  Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Goods Act.  

DOT Hazard Class: Non-Regulated.  

DOT Identification Number: None  

DOT Labels required: None  

DOT Placards required: None. No specific transportation precautions required.  

UN Class:None.

15. Regulatory information 

The product is not a substance subject to mandatory marking in accordance with the 

EEC Directive 67/548/EEC or amendments. 

Water risk class: WGK 0 (Self-assessment, acc. to §§7a 19,19a-1 of German Water Utilization Act (WHG)

16. Further information: 

Vertical markings at left margin denote alterations of previous issue. 

The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge, but without liability. Department issuing this data sheet: Product safety department




Information given herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but without guarantee. Conditions of use and  suitability of the product for particular uses are beyond our control; all risks of use of the product are therefore  assumed by the user and we expressly disclaim all warranties of every kind and nature, including warranties of  merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose in respect to the use or suitability of the product. Nothing  is intended as a recommendation for uses which infringe valid patents or as extending license under valid  patents. Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. 

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