Phenolphthalein – Identification of Product
Chemical Code: RLS-SOL-P09
Chemical Name: Phenolphthalein (1% in 60% ethanol)
Chemical Grade:
Chemical Formula: No Data Available
Chemical Weight:
Chemical Synonyms: Phenolphthalein solution
Phenolphthalein – Hazards Identification
REACH No: No Data Available
Signal Word: Danger
Supplemental Hazard Information: Restricted to professional users.
Additional Hazard Information:
Phenolphthalein – Hazards statements
H225 – Highly flammable liquid and vapour.H226 – Flammable liquid and vapour.
H319 – Causes serious eye irritation.
H341 – Suspected of causing genetic defects.
H350 – May cause cancer.
H361f – Suspected of damaging fertility.
Phenolphthalein – Precautionary statements
P201 – Obtain special instructions before use.
P210 – Keep away from heat.
P305 + P351 + P338 – IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P308 + P313 – IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/ attention.
Phenolphthalein – Composition of Chemical
Chemical Formula: No Data Available
EC No 1272/2008: No Data Available
Phenolphthalein – First Aid Measures
General Advice: No Data Available
If: Inhaled: Fresh air. Call in physician.
If: Skin Contact: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. Consult a physician.
If: Eye Contac: Rinse out with plenty of water. Call in ophthalmologist.
If: Swallowed: Immediately make victim drink water (two glasses at most). Consult a physician.
Important Symptoms: Irritant effects respiratory paralysis, Dizziness, narcosis, inebriation, euphoria, Nausea, Vomiting.
Immediate Medical Attention: No Data Available
Phenolphthalein – Firefighting Measures
Extinguishing Media: Suitable extinguishing media Water, Foam, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Dry powder Unsuitable extinguishing media For this substance/mixture no limitations of extinguishing agents are given.
Hazards Arising: Combustible. Vapours are heavier than air and may spread along floors. Forms explosive mixtures with air at elevated temperatures. Development of hazardous combustion gases or vapours possible in the event of fire.
Advice for Firefighters: Special protective equipment for firefighters Stay in danger area only with self-contained breathing apparatus.
Prevent skin contact by keeping a safe distance or by wearing suitable protective clothing.
Info for Firefighting: Further information Remove container from danger zone and cool with water. Prevent fire extinguishing water from contaminating surface water or the ground water system. Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: Advice for non-emergency personnel: Do not breathe vapours, aerosols. Avoid substance contact. Ensure adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Evacuate the danger area, observe emergency procedures, consult an expert.
Advice for emergency responders: Protective equipment
Environmental Precautions: Do not let product enter drains. Risk of explosion.
Method for Containment: Cover drains. Collect, bind, and pump off spills. Observe possible material restrictions. Take up carefully
with liquid-absorbent material (e.g. Chemizorb®). Dispose of properly. Clean up affected area.
Handling and Storage
Personal Precautions: Advice on safe handling
Observe label precautions.
Work under hood. Do not inhale substance/mixture. Avoid generation of vapours/aerosols.
Advice on protection against fire and explosion
Keep away from open flames, hot surfaces and sources of ignition. Take precautionary
measures against static discharge.
Hygiene measures
Immediately change contaminated clothing. Apply preventive skin protection. Wash hands and
face after working with substance.
Environmental Precautions: Storage conditions
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Keep locked up or in an area accessible only to qualified or authorised persons. Recommended storage temperature see product label.
Exposure Controls | Personal Protection
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL)
Workers | Application Area | Exposure Routes | Health Effect | Value
No Data Available
Consumers | Application Area | Exposure Routes | Health Effect | Value
No Data Available
Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)
Methods for measurement of the workplace atmosphere have to correspond to the requirements of norms DIN EN 482 and DIN EN 689.
Engineering Controls: Technical measures and appropriate working operations should be given priority over the use of personal protective equipment.
Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses
Skin Protection: Hand protection
Full contact:
Glove thickness: 0.7 mm
Break through time: > 480 min
Splash contact:
Glove material: Nitrile rubber
Glove thickness: 0.40 mm
Break through time: > 120 min
The protective gloves to be used must comply with the specifications of EC Directive 89/686/EEC and the related standard EN374,
for example KCL 898 Butoject® (full contact), KCL 730 Camatril® -Velours (splash contact).
The breakthrough times stated above were determined by KCL in laboratory tests acc. to EN374 with samples of the recommended glove types.
This recommendation applies only to the product stated in the safety data sheet<(>,<)> supplied by us and for the designated use.
When dissolving in or mixing with other substances and under conditions deviating from those stated in EN374 please contact the supplier of CE-approved gloves.
Body Protection: Protective clothing needs to be selected specifically for the workplace, depending on concentrations and quantities of the hazardous substances handled. The chemical resistance of the protective equipment should be enquired at the respective supplier.
Other protective equipment
Flame retardant antistatic protective clothing.
Respiratory Protection: required when vapours/aerosols are generated.
Recommended Filter type: Filter A (acc. to DIN 3181) for vapours of organic compounds The entrepeneur has to ensure that maintenance, cleaning and testing of respiratory protective devices are carried out according to the instructions of the producer.
These measures have to be properly documented.
Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Colourless liquid
Odour: Of Ethanol
Odour Threshold: No Data Available
pH: No Data Available
Melting Point: No Data Available
Boiling Point: No Data Available
Flash Point: 23 °C
Evaporation: No Data Available
Flammability: No Data Available Upper/Lower Flammability or Explosive Limits: No Data Available
Vapour pressure: No Data Available
Vapour density: 0.89 g/cm3at 20 °C
Relative density: No Data Available
Water solubility: at 20 °C Soluble
Partition Coefficien: No Data Available
Auto-ignition Temperature: No Data Available
Decomposition Temperature: No Data Available
Viscosity: No Data Available
Explosive properties: No Data Available
Oxidizing properties: No Data Available
Other Safety Info: Ignition temperature ca. 425 °C
Stability and Reactivity
Reactivity: Vapor/air-mixtures are explosive at intense warming.
Chemical Stability: The product is chemically stable under standard ambient conditions (room temperature) .
Possibility of hazardous reactions: Risk of explosion/exothermic reaction with: hydrogen peroxide, perchlorates, perchloric acid, Nitric acid, mercury(II) nitrate, permanganic acid, Nitriles, peroxi compounds, Strong oxidizing agents, nitrosyl compounds, Peroxides, sodium, Potassium, halogen oxides, calcium hypochlorite, nitrogen dioxide, metallic oxides, uranium hexafluoride, iodides, Chlorine, Alkali metals, Alkaline earth metals, alkali oxides, Ethylene oxide silver, with, Nitric acid silver compounds, with, Ammonia potassium permanganate, with, conc. sulfuric acid.
Risk of ignition or formation of inflammable gases or vapours with: halogen-halogen compounds, chromium(VI) oxide, chromyl chloride, Fluorine, hydrides, Oxides of phosphorus, platinum. Nitric acid, with, potassium permanganate.
Conditions to Avoid: Heating.
Incompatible Materials: Rubber, various plastics
Hazardous Decomposition Products: No Data Available
Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity: Acute oral toxicity
Symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting
Acute inhalation toxicity
Symptoms: Possible damages:, mucosal irritations
Acute dermal toxicity
Absorption Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation and dermatitis, due to degreasing properties of the product.
Serious Eye damage | Eye Irritation: Mixture causes serious eye irritation.
Cell Mutagenicity: No Data Available
Carcinogenicity: No Data Available
Reproductive toxicity: No Data Available
Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Single Exposure: No Data Available
Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Repeated Exposure: No Data Available
Aspiration Hazard: No Data Available
Ecological Information
Ecological Toxicity: No Data Available
Ecological Persistence and degradability: No Data Available
Bio-accumulative Potential: No Data Available
Mobility in Soil: No Data Available
Results of PBT and vPvB Assessment: Substance(s) in the mixture do(es) not meet the criteria for PBT or vPvB according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XIII, or a PBT/vPvB assessment was not conducted.
Other Adverse Effect: Discharge into the environment must be avoided.
Disposal Considerations
Waste Treatment Methods: Waste treatment methods
Waste material must be disposed of in accordance with the national and local regulations. Leave chemicals in original containers.
No mixing with other waste. Handle uncleaned containers like the product itself.
Transport Information
UN Number: ADR/RID: UN 1170
IATA: UN 1170
IMDG: UN 1170
Inland waterway transport (ADN)
Not relevant
Transport Hazard Class: ADR/RID: 3
Packaging Group: ADR/RID: III
Environmental Hazards: ADR/RID: –
Special Precautions: ADR/RID: Yes
Tunnel restriction code D/E
EmS – F-E S-D
Regulatory Information
Safety, Health and environmental regulations: National legislation
Storage class 3
Chemical Safety Assessment: For this product a chemical safety assessment was not carried out.
Additional Info: Environmental exposure controls: Do not let product enter drains. Risk of explosion.
CMR effects:
Carcinogenicity: Possible carcinogen.
Mutagenicity: Evidence of genetic defects.
Systemic effects: Euphoria.
After absorption of large quantities: Dizziness, inebriation, narcosis, respiratory paralysis.
Other dangerous properties can not be excluded.
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice..
Acute oral toxicity
LD50 Rat: 10,470 mg/kg
OECD Test Guideline 401
Acute inhalation toxicity
LC50 Rat: 124.7 mg/l; 4 h ; vapour
OECD Test Guideline 403
Skin irritation
Result: No skin irritation
OECD Test Guideline 404Eye irritation
Result: Eye irritation
OECD Test Guideline 405
Sensitisation test (Magnusson and Kligman):
Result: negative
Germ cell mutagenicity
Genotoxicity in vitro
Ames test
Salmonella typhimurium
Result: negative
Method: OECD Test Guideline 471
In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test
Mouse lymphoma test
Result: negative
Method: OECD Test Guideline 476
Reproductive toxicity
Application Route: Oral
Method: OECD Test Guideline 416
Skin irritation
In vitro study
Result: non-corrosive
OECD Test Guideline 431
Eye irritation
Result: non-corrosive
OECD Test Guideline 437
Sensitisation test: Mouse
Result: negative
Method: OECD Test Guideline 429
Germ cell mutagenicity
Genotoxicity in vivo
Mutagenicity (mammal cell test): micronucleus.
Result: positive
(Lit.)Enotoxicity in vitro
Ames test
Salmonella typhimurium
Result: negative
Method: OECD Test Guideline 471
Mutagenicity (mammal cell test): chromosome aberration.
Result: positive (Lit.)
Sister chromatid exchange assay
Chinese hamster ovary cells
Result: negative (National Toxicology Program)
The information stated above is considered to be correct, but does not claim to be inclusive and shall only be used as a guideline. The information provided by this document is confirmed by our continuous updating of knowledge and adheres to the products appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the product’s
properties. RLS Chemicals and its Associates shall not be held accountable for any damage’s consequent of handling the above product