Plaster of Paris Bandages

R10.01R39.84 Incl VAT

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Plaster of Paris Bandages is a Leno Gauze Base Fabric, made with Smooth POP Powder, a special Hi-tech Formulation Gypsum. Adapts easily to the contours of the body, immobilizing and thus aiding the healing process. Gives a strong, rapid dry setting and creates a sturdy long-life cast.


  • Leno Gauze Base Fabric.
  • Made with Smooth POP Powder, a special Hi-tech Formulation Gypsum.
  • Adapts easily to the contours of the body, immobilizing and thus aiding the healing process.
  • Gives a strong, rapid dry setting and creates a sturdy long-life cast.
  • Lightweight, durable, and higher cast strength for the same weight of bandage.
  • Short immersion time and high compressive strength.
  • Low power loss and sets to a smooth and creamy finish.
  • Allows for early, easy and superb mouldability and higher stability.
  • Excellent water absorbency capacity, no dry patches on bandages.
  • Waterproof packaging.

Order Information

Available in Sizes: 50mm X 2.7m (20 PPC)

75mm X 2.7m (20 PPC)

100mm X 2.7m (10 PPC)

150mm X 2.7m (10 PPC)

200mm X 2.7m (5 PPC).

Conveniently comes in a Waterproof package

Weight N/A

50 mm x 2.7m Plaster of Paris Bandage, 100 mm x 2.7m Plaster of Paris Bandage, 150 mm x 2.7m Plaster of Paris Bandage, 200 mm x 2.7m Plaster of Paris Bandage

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